I have always had this assumption that I’m going to live for 75 years. I guess the idea came to my mind when a long time ago I read an article about life expediency. The article was actually a comparison between Iranians’ life expediency and some other countries’. The life expediency for Iranian men was estimated something around 70 years. I thought this means that when I’m old the life expediency would be around 75 years (because life expediency naturally increases and also because I don’t do lots of things that may decrease it; such as smoking). Then I divided my life to 3 equal parts, each having 25 years. I named the first part Fun, the second Work, and the last Rest. Yesterday I got 25. The question is: was it Fun?
Hi, thanks for ur reply.
I have memorized address u told us in the class.
I dont go to Ekbatan anymore,actually I stopped going there past saturday and Im looking for an institute, do u work in any institute in Qods city? If so, where?
You must go to military service. think it has plenty of things for you. you can make your mind again for whole your life. I'm happier now. and because I think you're like me, it would be productive for you as well.
Hope so!
Hi again, u r going to military service, I wish u the best.I liked ur blog and I follow it, cause its good for improving English.
Hi,I quit Ekbatan and dont know where to go.Do know a good instiute in Qods city? I mean its teachers accent. By the way, my father is a retired army colonel, and I could guide about your military service via that.
to the great translator of all times,
may i wish u the best wishes for ur 25th birthday anniversary and if u don't consider it devilish,could i ask u a wicked question?
how have u planned start working period being involved in the holy military service?
باز جای شکرش باقیه که دو سوم از عمرت باقی مونده . اگه امروز آخرین روز عمرت بود چه سوالی از خودت میپرسیدی ؟ بازم میگفتی واز ایت فان ؟
fun mitoone in bashe ke alan masalan dari poker bazi mikoni motarjem jan!
vali fekr konam alan fun tamoom shode iekam dari takhir mikoni!
shaiad omid be zendegit ziad shode!
چه قشنگ تقسیم کردی. اگه واقعا از ته دل، شاد بودی و خندیدی، آره باید بگی خوب گذشت. برای من، فان! قبل ورود به دانشگاه بود. دغدغه نداشتم. به ترک دیوار هم می خندیدم. یاد ایامی که داشتیم با دوستان، بخیر
تولدته؟ مبارکه. چه همه برومند شدی!!!!
علیرضا ملکان
بیست و چهار ساله
فرزند محمود
شماره شناسنامه 9934
بچه ی جوادیه
دیگه ... بقیه ی هویتم رو یادم نمیاد .
اینم اثر انگشت
خوب البته ما که تبریک گفتیه بوذدیم همون موقع
اما مجددا و این بار از نوع اینترنتیشو می گیم
تولدت مبارک ... هرچند که بعد از چند سال هنوزم من معتقدم تو باید خردادی باشی
یه کم زود دنیا اومدی
حامد خداوکیلی به چند تا از آرزوهایی که اون شب نام بردی رسیدی تو این 2 هفته؟
داداش نیچه کیه؟
فقط سلین دیون
هماهنگ کن اجرم رو از سلین دیون بگیرم
salaam . welcome to 2nd part . asking if it was fun or not is good but you should think on success (coz it is the main goal of work as 2nd part)
happy birth day .
have a nice time under God
سبز سبزم ريشه دارم . . .
به نام ايران و ايراني ، اينجانب به ميرحسين موسوی رای می دهم.
به اميد تغييرات سبز برای ايران ما
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