When I was a little kid, I loved presents (actually I still do!). In 1992, when I was in the first grade in elementary school, I wanted to choose my future job! But I couldn’t make my mind. Then the Teachers Day came. I was sitting in the second bench next to the wall. The class was dim and was lit just by two florescent lamps, one over the students and the other over the teacher’s desk. The teacher was sitting behind her desk, on which there was lots of presents. There was a model bicycle, a little statue, a little table lamp (which was on the edge of the desk and I was worried it was going to fall) and lots of more gift wrapped boxes and books. Suddenly I knew it. I wanted to be a teacher!

روزت مبارک!
When I was a kid , I loved american car .... I wanted to be a driver ...
Now you are a teacher and I am a suburban driver !
تبریک میگم با کمی تاخیر. دارم پستهای قبلی رو که نخوندم مطالعه می کنم.
یادمه هربار انشاء می خواهید در آینده چه کاره شوید رو می خواستم بنویسم، فکر نمی کردم و سریع می نوشتم دکتر. اینطور توی ذهنم نقش بسته بود که هرکی شاگرد درسخونیه، باید دکتر شه وگرنه حیف و میل میشه!!!
توی امتحان نهایی هم می نوشتم می خوام معلم شم تا قدرت مانورم در توضیح دلایلم و نهایتا گرفتن نمره خوب، بیشتر باشه!!
هیچوقت فکرشم نمی کردم کارم به معلمی بکشه.ولی الان میبینم توانایی عجیبی برای این کار داشتم و هیچ وقت دنبالش نکرده بودم.
تولدتم مبارك
Happy teacher's day to you
I would have never wanted to be a teacher.
but I'm satisfied now also.
salaam ,
happy teacher's day .
I like this job a lot. I'm trying to find a job as teacher in university . I think teaching people things is very exciting so I like it a lot . but I myself always like to be a computer programmer and now I'm a programmer and working in a way that I like ( as you ) .
have a nice time under God.
salam.faqat mikham begam I HATE MS.GHAVAMI
salam.teacher faqat ki?
yes man.
salam agha
vaghean ghashang bood
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